Lauloimme kauneimpia joululauluja Lontoon suomalaisen merimieskirkon säestyksellä,
We sang Finnish Christmas carols hosted by the Finnish Church in London,
We sang Finnish Christmas carols hosted by the Finnish Church in London,
lapset piirsivät ja askartelivat tonttukoristeet joulukuusen,
the children were busy doing arts and crafts
the children were busy doing arts and crafts
Joulupukki kävi vierailulla ja
Santa paid a visit, and
Santa paid a visit, and
Lontoon suomalainen kirkko toi joulubazaarin Skotlantiin suomalaisine tuotteineen.
The Finnish Church in London brought their Christmas bazaar to Scotland with all the Finnish goodies.
The Finnish Church in London brought their Christmas bazaar to Scotland with all the Finnish goodies.
Thank you for all of you who came. The Finnish school will now take a Christmas break but hope to see you all next year!
Keväällä 2015, koulu tapaa seuraavasti. During spring 2015, the school meets as follows:
24/01, 28/02, 21/03, 25/04, 16/05, 13/06
Tietoa kevään koulupäivistä seuraa piakkoin. More information about spring school meeting will follow shortly.
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